Classical Five Element Acupuncture
Acupuncture is a form of medicine originating in Asia over 2000 years ago. It is based on principles that relate to the observation and knowledge of the order of nature and how the universe works.
The Chinese observed that the universe is expressed in two polarities, Yin and Yang, and Five Elements: Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, and Wood. They also observed that human beings are a microcosm or reflection of nature and have both the polarities and the elements within them. Each Element is represented by both a Yin and a Yang organ that work together as a team to make the Body, Mind and Spirit healthy. Illness or disease happens when all or one of the elements are weak or out of balance causing the energy to not flow properly.
Traditional Chinese Medicine states that Qi, sometimes called vital force or life force, moves throughout the body along 12 pathways, or channels, called meridians. Qi feeds and controls the main organs and systems of the body.
Acupuncture is performed by inserting very fine needles into specific points on the body to influence the Qi to flow properly and feed the organs, re-establishing the body's rhythm with the natural cycles of day and night, the seasons, and the time of day. Once the energy is returned to its natural flow and balance in a person, the Body, Mind and Spirit then return to health.
Conditions Treated By Acupuncture
Anxiety Ankle Swelling Arthritis Asthma ADD Back Pain/Ache Blood Pressure Bowel Disorders Carpal Tunnel |
Circulation, Poor
Colds/Flu Chronic Cough Depression Detox Disc Problems Fatigue Chronic Fibromyalgia Gynecological |
Immune System
Heart Problems Headache Hiccups Indigestion Infertility Joint Pain Kidney Problems Knee Pain |
Urinary Problems Liver Problems
Nervousness Neuralgia PMS Pain Skin Problems Stomach Problems Weight-loss |
Frequently Asked Questions
What does Acupuncture Treat?
The practitioner considers each person’s Body, Mind and Spirit as a whole, having its own unique individual relationship with the environment. Each symptom is seen as a distress signal of the underlying disease. When the cause of the disease is treated, the symptoms will start to disappear. Benefits of the treatment can be felt immediately, but are usually felt within four or five sessions. Often after the first couple of treatments the patient feels more able to relax and be at peace, increased vitality, and more enjoyment of life. This is followed by improvement of symptoms.
The practitioner considers each person’s Body, Mind and Spirit as a whole, having its own unique individual relationship with the environment. Each symptom is seen as a distress signal of the underlying disease. When the cause of the disease is treated, the symptoms will start to disappear. Benefits of the treatment can be felt immediately, but are usually felt within four or five sessions. Often after the first couple of treatments the patient feels more able to relax and be at peace, increased vitality, and more enjoyment of life. This is followed by improvement of symptoms.
How Many Treatments Do You Need?
The number of treatments will vary depending on the person and the severity of the disease. On average, treatments are given once or twice a week for the first month, and then reduced to every two weeks, then every month, then traditionally at the season change. This all depends on the patient’s lifestyle and environment.
The number of treatments will vary depending on the person and the severity of the disease. On average, treatments are given once or twice a week for the first month, and then reduced to every two weeks, then every month, then traditionally at the season change. This all depends on the patient’s lifestyle and environment.
How Do You Use The Needles?
The needles are disposable solid stainless steel, not hollow like needles used in injections. Some people may feel hardly anything at all and are unaware of the needle penetrating their skin, while others may feel a sensation of numbness, mild sharpness, aching, heat or cold, or an “aliveness.” Most people are surprised at how comfortable they feel when getting treated with acupuncture.
The needles are disposable solid stainless steel, not hollow like needles used in injections. Some people may feel hardly anything at all and are unaware of the needle penetrating their skin, while others may feel a sensation of numbness, mild sharpness, aching, heat or cold, or an “aliveness.” Most people are surprised at how comfortable they feel when getting treated with acupuncture.
New Patient Consultation with Exam & Treatment: $165 (Single treatment)
This consists of a detailed exam and consultation in Acupuncture, Cupping, and Energy Healing, and treatments. Plan on the initial session being 2 hours long, and subsequent sessions lasting an hour to an hour and a half.
Returning Patients: $110 (Single treatment)
This consists of a detailed exam and consultation in Acupuncture, Cupping, and Energy Healing, and treatments.
Mind, Body, Spirit Healing Modalities : $100 ( Single treatment)
Package Prices Available : can be split into 2 payments with a 5 dollar extra fee per payment if a credit card number is retained.
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine with Combined Therapies: Along with the acupuncture, their will be hands on healing such as Jin Shin Do Acupressure, Reiki, Niasziih Healing and other Chinese Medicine techniques such as electrical stimulation, gua sha, cupping, external qi gong, medical qi gong, sound vibrational healing and more. One or more of these modalities are used during your sessions to maximize the effect of the needles and the energy flow on a body, mind and spirit level. Each of these therapies on their own have profound affects but when combined together the synergistic effect of the combination speeds up the healing process, and will have profound lasting effects. You will take home self-healing skills and be able to use them for the rest of your life.
Combined (Non Acupuncture) Mind, Body and Spirit Healing Therapies:
Niasziih Healing (See Description Below) and/or, Reiki/Energy Healing, Acupressure, Spiritual and Intuitive Healing and Guidance, Sound Therapy, Internal and External Qi Gong (Movement Exercise to help facilitate the flow of energy in you body, mind and spirit), guided meditations, breathing exercises and homework-
Medical Qi Gong- $15 per class, $70 Per private session. Qigong is an ancient Chinese health care system that integrates physical postures, breathing techniques and focused intention. The word Qigong(Chi Kung) is made up of two Chinese words. Qi is pronounced chee and is usually translated to mean the life force or vital-energy that flows through all things in the universe. Medical Qi gong therapy is the eldest therapeutic modality of Chinese medicine. It is a comprehensive system of health care addressing the root cause of symptoms or disease, and treats the client as a whole.
Niasziih Healing: is aimed at bringing balance and awareness to patterns and belief structures that keep us from living life to it's fullest in peace, love, joy and purpose. It is a philosophy of choice and helps to heal the wounds that affect our body, mind, and spirit and while mining them for their potential gems and gifts. Our job as a healer is to help people them help themselves to change their perspective so they can shift and heal themselves. One of our greatest goals is help you to choose a powerful story for your life and then to aid and facilitate their journey of building bridges from their current reality into a newly discovered story.
Note: Please refrain from wearing makeup or perfume for the consultation and first session. Bring a list of medications and supplements you are taking at the time.
This consists of a detailed exam and consultation in Acupuncture, Cupping, and Energy Healing, and treatments. Plan on the initial session being 2 hours long, and subsequent sessions lasting an hour to an hour and a half.
Returning Patients: $110 (Single treatment)
This consists of a detailed exam and consultation in Acupuncture, Cupping, and Energy Healing, and treatments.
Mind, Body, Spirit Healing Modalities : $100 ( Single treatment)
Package Prices Available : can be split into 2 payments with a 5 dollar extra fee per payment if a credit card number is retained.
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine with Combined Therapies: Along with the acupuncture, their will be hands on healing such as Jin Shin Do Acupressure, Reiki, Niasziih Healing and other Chinese Medicine techniques such as electrical stimulation, gua sha, cupping, external qi gong, medical qi gong, sound vibrational healing and more. One or more of these modalities are used during your sessions to maximize the effect of the needles and the energy flow on a body, mind and spirit level. Each of these therapies on their own have profound affects but when combined together the synergistic effect of the combination speeds up the healing process, and will have profound lasting effects. You will take home self-healing skills and be able to use them for the rest of your life.
Combined (Non Acupuncture) Mind, Body and Spirit Healing Therapies:
Niasziih Healing (See Description Below) and/or, Reiki/Energy Healing, Acupressure, Spiritual and Intuitive Healing and Guidance, Sound Therapy, Internal and External Qi Gong (Movement Exercise to help facilitate the flow of energy in you body, mind and spirit), guided meditations, breathing exercises and homework-
Medical Qi Gong- $15 per class, $70 Per private session. Qigong is an ancient Chinese health care system that integrates physical postures, breathing techniques and focused intention. The word Qigong(Chi Kung) is made up of two Chinese words. Qi is pronounced chee and is usually translated to mean the life force or vital-energy that flows through all things in the universe. Medical Qi gong therapy is the eldest therapeutic modality of Chinese medicine. It is a comprehensive system of health care addressing the root cause of symptoms or disease, and treats the client as a whole.
Niasziih Healing: is aimed at bringing balance and awareness to patterns and belief structures that keep us from living life to it's fullest in peace, love, joy and purpose. It is a philosophy of choice and helps to heal the wounds that affect our body, mind, and spirit and while mining them for their potential gems and gifts. Our job as a healer is to help people them help themselves to change their perspective so they can shift and heal themselves. One of our greatest goals is help you to choose a powerful story for your life and then to aid and facilitate their journey of building bridges from their current reality into a newly discovered story.
Note: Please refrain from wearing makeup or perfume for the consultation and first session. Bring a list of medications and supplements you are taking at the time.